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Buffalo Bill Barbie

This doll began as an experiment...I just wanted to see if my idea would work...In the end it worked out better than I had hoped it would!

 I had bought a Bratz Clone Doll, which I was planning to turn into a "Living Dead" type doll, but for one reason or another, never got around to...

When I had the idea to turn my Son's old Action Man into a Buffalo Bill Barbie, it seemed like the ideal time to use the Bratz Clone.


The  chest  suit was  made from  another clone doll, this time one of those  cheap plastic Hong Kong  Barbie sized  ones, you can buy for about a quid!

This I used because the plastic is lower quality and therefore easier to cut up.


I cut a back piece too and secured them both with a couple of small pieces of leather thong I had lying around...I think it works pretty well!

The chest suit looks pretty good from the sides too!!

The chest suit looks pretty good from the sides too!!