Boob Job Barbie
The story behind this piece:
My Son had a Bart Simpson Alarm Clock that no longer worked, so I set about taking it apart to see if there where any parts that I could use in my art.
I made a small pile of various bits that I maybe able to use, when I hit upon the idea of finding out what Bart Simpson looks like without his eyes...So I cut them off!
I decided to keep the eyeless Bart head for another piece and whilst looking at the eyes I had removed, realised that if I placed two little red things that where inside the clock (under the buttons) the eyes looked like breasts.
I found that they fitted quite well onto a barbie doll's chest, and with a few licks of paint and some glue, Boob Job Barbie was born!
I like to think of her as a reflection on those women I have seen in the Media, who have countless operations so they can look like a Barbie doll.